
Understanding Bowenwork

The Bowen Technique is a very gentle form of natural healing. In order to appreciate its subtlety and depth, the therapy really needs to be experienced.

Bowenwork is a system of moves along muscle and connective tissue giving the body's innate ability to heal, creating balance and resetting the parasympathic dominance.

After the first session, people often wonder how such gentle moves can have so powerful an effect: not only on their posture and structural problems (e.g. bad back, frozen shoulder, etc.) but also on their general well-being. The level of touch used in a Bowen session is very gentle and will vary according to the sensitivity of each client. The massage therapist uses her fingers or thumbs to move over muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia and joints (and occasionally over nerves themselves), in order to elicit a healing response in the body.

Where was Bowenwork Originated?

Bowenwork was developed in the 1950's by the late Thomas Bowen of Geelong, Australia. Bowen's approach was to reset the tension in certain muscles and muscle groups by using a unique type of stretch-and-roll-through move and then pausing between sets of moves to the body time to begin its response.

He achieved amazing results. According to a 1974 survey of alternative health practitioners performed by the Victorian Government, Bowen was found to be doing over 13,000 treatments per year! In over 85% of his cases, the problems for which his patients sought treatment were resolved completely.

In the last years of his life, Bowen allowed several practitioners to observe him. He recognized only six of them as understanding his work. One of these, Oswald Rentsch, promised at Bowen's deathbed to make his work known around the world. Ossie's interpretation of Mr. Bowen's work is now taught in over twenty-five countries under the auspices of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia (BTAA) and is known under the internationally registered trademarks "Bowtech" and "Bowenwork"

What Can I expect In a Session?

Coming for a Bowenwork session is a little different from a regular massage. Wear or bring light-weight, loose-fitting clothing that I can work through. Or you may choose to wear your underclothes and be professionally draped for modesty and comfort.

I will take a health history and ask about the reason for your visit so as to select the best "Bowenwork" moves to apply that day. Typically, the first session will be an overall balancing session and then I apply specific moves for certain conditions or symptoms on the next and subsequent sessions.

The actual hands-on work may take very few of 20 to 60 minutes of the entire session.

After each series of moves, I will make sure you are comfortable and will leave the room to for about 2 minutes to allow your body time to begin responding.

After the Session

After the session, some changes may be noticeable right away; Reduced pain...Greater range of motion...A sense of relaxation and well-being.

You will most likely notice changes in the next several days as your body continues the process that began during your session. Sounder sleep and increased energy are commonly reported. If assigned "homework" of gentle Bowenwork exercises, (do them daily beginning on the day after your session), drink plenty of water and walk 15-30 minutes a day. This is an essential part of your care and will improve your results.

One client put it this way, when he received the Bowenwork, it improved his well-being by 80%. By doing his assigned "homework" improved his results by the other 20%!

Benefits of Bowenwork

Bowenwork is gentle on the body, effective and appropriate for anyone to receive, including newborns, highly trained athletes, pregnant women and the elderly. Each person responds differently to a Bowenwork session, according to his or her own body’s need and ability to heal. Conditions that are seen to respond well include: 

·       Allergies

·       Anxiety

·       Arthritis pain

·       Asthma

·       Back pain

·       Balance problems

·       Bronchitis

·       Chronic diarrhea

·       Chronic fatigue

·       Colic

·       Concussions and TBIs

·       Depression

·       Digestive issues

·       Earache (ear issues)

·       Fibroids

·       Foot & ankle problems

·       Frozen Shoulder/shoulder pain Indigestion

·       Hay fever

·       Hemorrhoids

·       Hernia

·       Infertility

·       Knee & hip restrictions

·       Mastitis

·       Menstrual pain (PMS)

·       Migraine and headaches

·       Musculoskeletal issues

·       Pelvic problems

·       Plantar fasciitis

·       Postural & gait problems

·       Prostate issues

·       Repetitive stress injuries

·       Reproductive

·       Respiratory issues

·       Sciatica

·       Scoliosis

·       Shin splints

·       Sinusitis

·       Sports injuries

·       Tennis elbow Constipation

·       Tinnitus

·       TMJ problems


 After leaving, my body felt so relaxed and the intense fight/flight was gone. I haven’t felt that relaxed in I don’t know how many years. My pain is so much better and I slept better than I have in a very long time. Today I still feel that calm in my body and like I’m wrapped in warm blanket. My core and spine feel warm and supported. My back pain is significantly less. I feel like I can emotionally regulate my life stressors that have been causing intense anxiety better. I have been completely amazed at this transformation. I think this is going to help my body release emotional trauma responses also as I just have these feeling of peace coming over me and like I don’t have to be on alert for attack. My body feels safer. Kristen 1/21 (Had an TBI and a Concussion)



Crystal Maceira, LMT

(In Bozeman every 2 weeks)